CWN Photography & Custom Book Design


My name is Christine Walsh-Newton. I am a professional photographer and a BlurbNation designer. I have designed books ranging from 20 pages to 240 pages. I specialize in custom photo book design, but also have experience in text layout (blog and poetry books) as well as thesis and manuscript editing.

Please contact me at for a custom quote for your book.

Monday, May 12, 2008

New Book: VAMUMANSU: Miami - Ushuaia - Rio : Motorcycle Expedition 2005

Added to the bookstore on 05/12/08.

A "blog to book" conversion documenting a 26,000 mile motorcycle trip taken by a group of friends in 2005. The blog was by Homero Levy de Barros, who was wonderful to work with. Homero contacted me though the BlurbNation designer directory. He mailed his photo files and we did most of our contact via email during the design process. Two weeks later, a 240 page book was born!

A full preview is at:

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